Simple and Powerful

Features specifically designed for your industry

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Item Catalog

  • A point and click laundry list of all things necessary for a production.
  • Totally modifiable to meet your custom needs.

Real-Time Collaboration

  • Build bids better and faster by collaborating with your people in real time.
  • Oversee active jobs as they unfold.

Bid Revisions

  • Adapt to the varying needs of client requests.
  • Past versions readily available as the bid evolves.

Advance Invoices

  • Generate up to six advance invoices per job.
  • Track the money to the final invoice.

Line Item Groups

  • Save a group of line items you use frequently.
  • Store specific rates, tax setting, and markups.
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Track Receipts

  • Add actual receipts or anticipated invoices.
  • Manage time-based line items.

Manage your Budget

  • Rob Peter to pay Paul and back again between line items.
  • Keep a close eye on your budget at the line item level.
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Wrap Jobs

  • Track unreceived invoices.
  • Print category top sheets.

Send Invoice and Get Paid

  • Prepare invoice for submission.
  • Get paid faster with BlinkBid’s Online Payment feature.
  • Track advances and received payments.
Reports image for invoice page - BlinkBid

Easily Close the Books

Accounting Bridge Add-on

Accounting Bridge Feature - BlinkBid
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Currency Converter

Bid in one currency, produce in another, then invoice in the original. A global tool for global business. Lock the job using current exchange rates, then tweak it later for maximum flexibility.

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Electronic Signature

Attach an electronic signature request to your Bid or Invoice and track its progress after it’s sent to the client. Work faster and create more.

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Terms and Licences

Start with one of BlinkBid’s many templates or copy your own. Create the job’s terms and conditions as well as bid and invoice terms in a minute, and customize as needed.

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Production Management

Add receipts to each line item, actual or anticipated. Wrap reports help you close the job quickly, and color coding alerts you to outstanding vendor invoices.

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Separate and manage the different facets of your business or assign different cities to individual personalities to manage a global production company. Individually manage talent as an agent and track overall performance.

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Real-Time Job Sharing

Seamlessly collaborate on jobs with agents, producers, or anyone else on the BlinkBid network. Actively oversee jobs currently in production as it happens, and make changes in real-time.

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Bid Revision

Be prepared for multiple versions of a bid. Never lose track of where you started in the bidding process, and allow you to go back to your first instincts when you need to.

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Item Catalog

A built-in list with almost every line item you’d need to produce anything. Helps you brainstorm through your initial instincts and reminds you of all the little details that often get forgotten.

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Advance Invoice

Use the Advance Invoice feature to bill for an advance before you start production. Never forget to indicate the received advances on your final invoice.

Online payment icon - BlinkBid

Online Payment

Get paid faster with BlinkBid’s Online Payment feature. Easily insert a “pay now” button onto your invoice so the client can click and quickly pay you via credit card.

LIG icon - BlinkBid

Line Item Groups (LIGs)

Save a group of line items you use frequently with specific rates and markups. Make the Line Item Groups as you go, or pre-curate them inside your My Jobs section.

Comprehensive reports - BlinkBid

Comprehensive Reports

Our reports have everything you need. Profit & Loss, Accounts Receivable, Invoices and Tax, Cash Received, Won/Lost jobs and Usage License tracker. Never miss a beat.

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Join thousands of companies around the world using BlinkBid every day to manage the business side of their creativity.